Youth Activities
Representatives from the National Greentown Glass Association met with 16 youth from grades 2 - 8 on Saturday, March 19, at the History Center. After learning about the history of the Greentown Glass Factory, they searched through buckets of shards for patterns and colors.
A few examples of Greentown glassware were brought by the association members for examination, and the students were able to use them as well as books on Greentown Glass and the Greentown Glass website to help them identify from which pieces the shards originated. Adults were impressed with the interest shown by the youth as well as the knowledge they had about Greentown Glass.
School groups are encouraged to visit the Greentown Historical Society. You may contact us at 628-3800 or 628-3565.
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On the left, Heidi and Jeff Cranor reviewing Greentown Glass at the March 19 youth program. On the right, Kristina, Craig and Megan Standish examine glass samples.
A few of the young history enthusiasts who participated in the Greentown Glass program for youth on March 19 in the History Center.